

  • 蔡基刚编著 著
  • 出版社: 上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • ISBN:7810466798
  • 出版时间:2000
  • 标注页数:495页
  • 文件大小:15MB
  • 文件页数:523页
  • 主题词:


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第一章 文章开头句型1


1.When asked about...,most people say1

2.When it comes to...,some people think2

3.There is a public debate today4

4.Now,it is widely believed6

5.Many of us believe that8

6.To the general public9

7.Now a lot of people feel10

8.In reaction to the idea,some people say12

9....is a common way of...,but is it a wise one13

10.These days we often hear about15

11.We are often shown these days16


12.Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern17

13.Recently the problem has been brought into focus18

14.Many nations have been faced with the problem19

15.One of the searching questions facing our world is21

16.One of the biggest issues many people talk about is22

17.Now most dangerous for our society is23

18.Inflation is another bitter truth we have to face now23

19.An acute shortage of...is now under way24

20.Here and there across the country25

21.Now in many big cities26

22.With the rapid development of27

23.Nowadays there is a growing tendency28

24.In recent few years there is a sudden increase30

25.Any visitor to this city would be surprised31

26.Whenever you see...,you cannot help32


27.Nothing is more dangerous than33

28.Nowhere in history has the issue been more visible35

29.It is time we exploded the myth36

30.Perhaps we should rethink the idea37

31.Now people are beginning to realize38

32.Now there is a growing awareness39

33.We might marvel at the progress40


34.One of the great early writers said42

35. Knowledge is power. Such is the remark of44

36. ... That s how one official complained45

37. ... The same idea is voiced by47

38. ... How often we hear such words like those48


39.For years it had been viewed as....But now49

40.People used to think....But things are different50

41.Several years ago,people....Now52

42.After a good many years of efforts...,people begin53

43.It is a traditional way to....But now the pendulum55

44.Throughout our lives56

45.In recent years,there is a steady shift57


46.Last Sunday I....The story is not rare59

47.Once in a street,....The problem has drawn pu-blic attention60

48.I have a friend who....Such a dilemma we oftenmeet61

49.Once upon a time....The story still has a realis-tic significance63

50.A factory worker who64


51.Should...?Opinions vary greatly66

52.What do you think...?68

53.Why...?Many people pose the question like this69

54.Why?...of all the complaints,70

第二章 文章结尾句型72


55.From what has been discussed above,we may draw the conclusion72

56.The evidence upon all sides points to73

57.In summary,it is important74

58.In conclusion,I would like to say75

59.The real lesson to be learnt76


60.We must search for a quick action,because if77

61.Obviously,if we ignore the problem,it is likely78

62.Any person who ignores the warning would80

63.We need to take a second look at...,otherwise81


64.It might be time to take the warning83

65.It is time that we urged an end to84

66.It is necessary that steps should be taken85

67.There is no doubt that attention must be paid86

68.Obviously...If we are to...,it is essential87


69.It is hoped that efforts be made88

70.In short,we should89

71.What we need is90

72.It is high time....Here are a few examples91

73.While it cannot be solved immediately,still thereare ways93

74.Awareness of the problem is the first step94

75.If we are to succeed as a people,95


76.Many solutions are being offered here96

77.There is no easy method,but...might be helpful97

78.No easy method is at hand,but...might be thefirst step98

79.One s first reaction to such suggestions100

80.What will happen to...?One thing is certain101

81.To...is not an easy job,and it requires a differ-ent outlook102

82.It is clear that the task demands great efforts103

83.We have done....But we will achieve more if104

84.True,there may be questions we can not answer105

85.The great challenge today is106

86.We may have a long way to go before107

87.There is no better time to start than108

88.It remains to be seen whether108


89.Following these methods may not...,but the pay-off might be worth the effort110

90.Certainly,...but it will111

91.The importance cannot be overemphasized112

92.Anyhow it has a far-reaching influence113

93.To participate in...is an experience114

94.The problem is something no one can avoid115

95.We are now entering a new era which calls for116

96.Anyhow,whether it is good or not,one thing iscertain117


97. ....118

98.Edison is right in saying119

99.A long time ago,a great man said121

100....,says a great man121

101.If we want to achieve our success,122

102.I agree with the writer123

103.As Lincoln once remarked124


104.If we consider...,is it125

105.Can anyone really doubt126

106.Years ago,I heard a story127


第三章 原因结果句型129


107.There are many reasons for129

108.Why...?For one thing131

109.It is no easy job to advance the reasons132

110.It is fairly easy to identify the reason133

111.The answer to this problem involves many factors134

112.The reasons are varied.They include135

113.Thanks to137

114.The increase mainly stems from the fact138

115....partly because...,partly because140

116....not because...,but because141

117....not come from...,but from142

118.One may attribute the change to143

119.One tends to view the trend as a response to144

120.One may trace this problem back to145

121.That s the reason why146

122.A number of factors could account for the suc-cess147

123.A number of factors,both individual and social,affect149

124.These factors,coupled with the growth of...,lead to150

125.Many factors weigh heavily for151

126.The factors that contribute to...include152


127.Among the most important reasons cited by peo-ple is154

128.One of the most popular reasons is155

129.Part of the explanation is156

130.This is due to several factors157

131.Another important reason is158

132.Also playing a part is160

133....is also responsible for the change160

134.Of course,the growth is not the sole reason for161

135.Some people suggest that the fault is162

136.We may look into every possible reason except163

137.It is only the surface explanation for164

138.We may blame...,but the causes go far deeper165


139.There are a number of effects167

140.The effect is evident168

141.It will exert a profound influence169

142.It may cause a sweeping change170

143.The influence has not been confined to171

144.It leaves some serious consequences172

145.It may give rise to a host of problems173

146.The immediate result it produces is174

147....is the net result176

第四章 比较对照句型178


148.The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages178

149.Although A enjoys a distinct advantage179

150.There are several advantages181

151.The effect of comparison is heightened by183

152.When the advantages and disadvantages are weighed185

153.A means nothing when...is mentioned186

154.Indeed,A carries much weight when compared with187

155.Serious as the problem may be,it pales intoinsignificance188

156.A may be...but it suffers from the disadvan-tages189

157.For all the disadvantages,it has its compen-sating advantages190

158.Obviously,it has both negative effects and posi-tive effects192

159.There are advantages and disadvantages193

160.Like anything else,it has its faults195

161.However,it is not without weaknesses196

162.But is it all good?When considering the draw-backs197

163.Nothing can equal199

164.Nothing is more...than201

165....more...than is possible to202

166....more...than would203

167....is more...than204


168.A is not...any more than205

169.A is no less...than B is206

170.Just as A...,so B208

171.The same is true of209


173.A is as much as B211

174.A and B have several things in common213

175.A bears some resemblances to B214


177.A....So/Nor is B216

178....is like217


179.While on the one hand218

180.A...,whereas B219

181.A and B differ in several ways221

182.Both...,but they differ in223

183.What A views...,B may see224

184.But the same cannot be applied to225

185.In the past,...But now it is no longer225

第五章 批评驳斥句型227


186.Although...,I doubt whether the argument bears much analysis227

187.Although the popular belief is...,a study indicates228

188.Although the inclination is laudable,one may wonder229

189.Although it is widely felt...,it is unlikely230

190.Many people...,but this claim may be doubt ed230

191.Most of us have been under the illusion231

192.People tend to think....There is no morerea son to believe...than there is to think that233

193.They may be right in asserting233

194.In all the debate over...,one fact is overlooked234

195.It is true...,but one point is being left out235

196.It is true that...,but this is not to say237

197.You may say....It probably will238

198.Some people suggest....But what these people fail to understand is239

199.Some people say....But this doesn t hold240

200.There is an element of truth...,but241

201.A close examination would reveal how242

202.Closer scrutiny shows the claim may not be merited by243

203.At first thought,it may seem...,but on second thoughts244

204.Logical as these arguments245

205.For all the claim,it is a common knowledge247

206.As opposed to...,facts challenge the opinion247

207.It is a common belief248

208.We have been brought up to believe249

209.People tend to cling to the idea250

210.They argue that...,and that251

211.Some people argue that....But the opposite isusually the case252

212.Some people assume that....Quite the contrary253

213.There are those who hold that....And on the other hand,255

214.People object to the idea257


215.To claim that...is far from being proved258

216.To suggest...is exactly as if you259

217.Such proposals are an assault on the value259

218.If one advocates...,it is no good being disturbed260

219.It makes no sense to argue for...,but object to261

220.The main problem with this view is261

221.The obvious flaw in the idea is262

222.Too much emphasis placed on...may overlook263

223.In many cases,public dissatisfaction is unfair264

224.What a foolish idea264

225.The absurdity is obvious here265

226.It is wrong to think266

227.It is ironic that267

228.It would be absurd to believe269

229.There is no reason to believe270

230.But the argument simply doesn t hold271

231.—an opinion desirable but short-sighted271

232.The statement rests on the assumption272

233.It is a good thing to....But is it273

234.They are not wrong to put emphasis on...,but274

236.It is generally believed that275

235.It is all very well to criticize...,but275

237.It is wise....But it is probably less wise276

238.It would be reasonable....Yet I m not so sure278

239.It is one thing to insist...,it is quite another279

第六章 推理分析句型281


240.It seems quite likely281

241.There is every chance that282

242.It is clear that283

243.It seems natural284

244.It is more accurate to say286

245.It is pretty certain286

247.It is urgently necessary to note287

246.Fortunately it is often the case287

248.It is...that really matters289

249.What surprises us most is289

250.It is horrifying to find291

251.There is no denying292

252.The plain fact is that293

253.The problem is that294

254.No wonder that296

255.It should come as a surprise to learn297

256.Perhaps it is rightly said that298

257.Of course,it would be an error to suggest299

258.On the face of it,it sounds ridiculous.Yet it istrue300

260.We can...,but we may never301

259.We may find much to be said for301

261....is measured more by...than by302

262.To do...is not...,but rather304

263.It does not...but304

264.Historically,our society has taken a dim view of306

265.In fact,...is not the bad thing it is often heldto be307

266.This is not to say that....That would be silly307

267.Don t get the idea that308

268.Little is said about310

269.Along with the awareness...comes311

270.It is not that I don t wish312

271....,so the arguments go313

272.There are three kinds314

273.If this is the case,we may315


274.This may be true if316

275.If...,it is simply because317

276.If...,why shall we318


278.If half the money were spent on320

279.Having recognized...,it follows321

280.Of course,if you....But as soon as322

281.But even if it could be proved322

282....would be of little use unless323

283....may be difficult,if not impossible325

284.No amount of indignation can326

286.The smallest change can327

285.Even a minor improvement can327

287.Anyone with the least knowledge can tell328

288.A little study of...can help329

289.Who is to say if331

290.It is almost impossible...without332

291.Hardly anyone...without332

292.You can t...without333

293.It doesn t matter whether334

294.No matter how335

295.Whatever the causes336

296.However urgent the need338

297.The more...;the more339

298....never...let alone340


299....is often cited as an example342

第七章 细节支持句型342

300.A good case in point is343

301.The most dramatic example345

302.This offers a typical example345

303.To the familiar facts,another may be added346

304.As an illustration,we may take348

305.History is filled with the examples349

306....,for one,350

307.Consider the case of351

308.Take,for example353

309.I recall from my childhood353

310.What shall we say,for example354

311.But consider,for example,355

312.A very similar story can be told357

313.Such examples might be given indefinitely358

314.I can think of no better illustration than359

315.The case is only one example360

316.Suppose that361

317.Legend has it that362

318.Let us suppose that363

319.Just think of364

320.Just imagine what would be like if365

321.There is hardly a man367

322.It is a rare man who368


323.No one can deny the fact369

324.We must face the fact370

326.Yet it can t change the fact372

325.This brings out a fact372

327.There is no justification for373

328.The idea is hardly supported by facts375

329.There is strong evidence that376

330.All reliable data justify the view377

331.Personal experience teaches me379

332.Recent studies indicate380

333.Tests have found that382

334.According to an experiment383

335.We have whole history to tell384

336.Evidence is piling up that385

337.Unfortunately,none of the available data shows386

338.As evidenced in the reports387

340.Although...,the available information shows388

339.While it may be true,the evidence suggests388

341.Nothing could be more obvious than the evidence389

342.You don t have to look very far to find out thetruth390

343.No one is comfortable with the fact391

344.This has proved to be the case391

345.But the most surprising thing is392

346.The most striking fact393

347.There are instances when394

348.Gone are the days when395

349.One may not forget the old days396


350.Wrote Edison,a great inventor397

351.Many years ago,a writer remarked398

352.As one scientist wrote399

353.A noted teacher once told me401

354.Many researchers find402


355....increased/decreased by X percent403

356....rose/dropped almost twice,compared with405

357.A report estimates that the number is half thenational average407

358....the number has more than doubled,as against408

359....the percentage was...—X percent more than the 1990 level409

360.More than three-quarters people preferred410

361.There were a X percent decline this year,a drop of X percentage point from412

362.The rate has reached an average of X percent413

363.It accounts for X percent of the total414

364.After leveling off for 3 years,the rate startsrising once again415

365.To understand the truth of...,it is importantto see417

第八章 承上启下句型417


366.To get a sense of how...,we must turn first to418

367.To illustrate this point,let us consider420

368.A study of...will make this point clear421

369.But you may ask423

370.But if424


371.But that s only part of the story425

372.Another equally important aspect is426

373.Closely connected with this is427

374....may further be supported by428

375....is but one of many effects.Another is429

376.Besides,other ways are431


378....is also harmful434

379.So does435

380.No less important436

381.not only...but also437


382.Despite the difficulty438

383.On the other hand,439


385.Rather than443

386.But the opposite is usually true444
















